
Aadit Ambadkar

High School ML Enthusiast
Redmond High School

Brief: 17 y/o developer interested in Machine Learning and CS in general; ~~USAMO Qualifier, USAJMO Qualifier, USACO Platinum Competitor, 5x AIME Qualifier ~~

Long: Hi! I'm Aadit. I'm a 17 year old developer based in Washington. I know Python, Java, and C++. I enjoy Competitive Programming, and compete in the USA Computing Olympiad, Platinum Division. I'm also a Content Author for the USACO Guide. Aside from Competitive Programming, I also enjoy Competitive Math. I am a 5x AIME Qualifier and a USA Math Olympiad Qualifier (and also a USA Junior Math Olympiad Qualifier).

When I'm not coding, you might find me hiking, or playing the F Horn. Checkout Projects and A Quest For Knowledge to see what I'm doing / what I've done!